"If you want to earn more, learn more.If you want to get more out of the world, you must put more into the world. For, after all, you will get no more out of life than you put into it."
What purpose do over-ordering, noisy drinking and spitting serve? There are definitely more meaningful ways to celebrate festivals and important occasions. Waste should not be a part of any tradition or celebration. People should not feel proud to look at a table overflowing with dishes, they should feel ashamed at the waste.
Why do we so often see full restaurants, but not see people exercising? We need to make exercise and healthy lifestyles part of our culture. We don't want China to be known as a country of drinkers, smokers and overeaters.
Why do we so often see full restaurants, but not see people exercising? We need to make exercise and healthy lifestyles part of our culture. We don't want China to be known as a country of drinkers, smokers and overeaters.