The best way to strengthen your resolve and increase your will power is to thoroughly read one difficult article a day. Difficult articles will increase your vocabulary, improve your reading comprehension and supply you with valuable sentence patterns and grammar to enhance your spoken English. This terrific habit will also give you a strong sense of achievement and encourage you to improve other areas of your life. Once you train yourself to make your difficult article a part of your daily routine, you will even grow to enjoy it. Reading difficult articles is just like vigorous exercise. At first it is extremely hard, you need to push yourself to finish. Eventually, just as your body grows used to the sweat and effort, your mind will also adjust and welcome the challenge. In fact, people who exercise regularly feel terrible when they don't have an opportunity to exercise! You can develop the same kind of relationship with difficult articles! You can use them to nourish your mind and your spirit until you reach the point where you feel lost without them.
Written By Mr. Li
Written By Mr. Li